+(585) 857-2677

Audience Segmented Discourse

Quickly see the breakdown of who is talking about your topic. Compare volume of journalists, influencers, policymakers, bots, and low touch users.

Discourse with context.

Analyze your network with layered stance detection and user classification.

Be channel-agnostic.

Pull data from Twitter, TikTok, news articles, & more!

Get started in seconds.

Connect your channels and start analyzing right away.

Be channel-agnostic.

No matter where it started, Ray Analytics keeps it organized.

Chat with context.

See the history of every conversation and interaction.

Get started in seconds.

Connect your channels and start messaging right away.

Awesome Words

from clients

Ray Analytics unified inbox helps clients get to leads quicker so they don't lose business

Shannon Hanrahan


"Clients used to message me on several platforms and it wasn't uncommon for me to go weeks before seeing their messages. Now I see them instantly, in the same message thread, so I'm able to serve my clients quicker, and better."

Robert Wills

AZ Plumber

"Ray Analytics helps me never miss another chat conversation with potential leads. It used to be a hassle finding customer's messages, now it's easy and they're all in one place."

Easily Integrates With Leading Apps

Explore A Better Way To Influence

(585) 857-2677

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We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.